Donate now
The Nineveh Charitable Trust (Registered Charity No. 256025) receives many more worthwhile proposals than we can fully fund, and we welcome your support.
We make donations from the investment income of our capital fund, plus limited capital release (totalling about £0.5M p.a. at present). Capital release from the fund is not sustainable in the long term because the investment income from it will diminish, thus exacerbating the problem.
Your donation, with or without Gift Aid, will provide us with additional support for more good causes than we can afford at present.
Useful information about Gift Aid:
- As an individual, you can boost each £1 of your donation by 25p through Gift Aid. Gift Aid is reclaimed from HM Revenue & Customs from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your full name, home address and permission is needed by HMRC to identify you as a current tax payer.
- Donations of any size are eligible for Gift Aid as long as you have paid enough income tax to cover the amount of tax reclaimed.
- Gift Aid can work for you too: it can increase your basic-rate tax threshold. If you pay income tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief that Gift Aid makes available, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your self-assessment tax return, or ask HM Revenue & Customs to adjust your tax code.
- Gift Aid cannot be claimed when donating on behalf of a company. However, companies can offset their giving against their business profits to reduce their Corporation Tax payable.
The ‘Donate ’ buttons below take you to CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) online, who administer this scheme for many UK charities. CAF collects any Gift Aid due to us from HMRC. Your personal data will remain secure under GDPR.
Thank you very much – we greatly appreciate your help for good causes.